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At Wow Pest Control, results are important to us. That is why we are very specific about treating fleas and ticks. Not only do we use top notch products, but we also ensure that our employees have enough time to be thorough and give our customers their best.

General Information

Fleas and ticks can reproduce very quickly and make life very uncomfortable for you and your pets. A few can turn into thousands within a couple of weeks. A flea can lay several dozen eggs in each batch. These eggs usually hatch between 1-2 weeks. Ticks can lay thousands of eggs at a time. You may ask yourself -How did they get to my lawn? Many animals such as rats, mice, squirrels, and birds have fleas on them and will come into your yard on occasion. They bring new fleas to your property. That is why we recommend monthly service to maintain control of fleas and ticks. Monthly pest control service will ensure that fleas or ticks don’t have enough time to reproduce on your property or even worse find and breed on your pets.

Flea Prevention Tips:

  • Ensure your pets are on a flea treatment program to prevent fleas from breeding on them.
  • Keep your yard and bushes tightly trimmed to prevent fleas from having hiding places. This will also help prevent them from having easy access to gaining access to your pets.
  • Keep very little items outside of your home. A lot of items, especially close to the home will encourage rodents to come around your home. They will bring new fleas

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